Programs « The Juxtopia Group


Innovation is cornerstone of Learning & Instructional Technology Research and Development (R&D) at The Juxtopia Group.  External researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds are invited to apply to The Juxtopia Group and help advance one of the following programs to help achieve the Juxtopia Group mission.

Click the links below for more information on each program.


Juxtopia® Imhotep (JI™) 

Juxtopia® Interactive Virtual Instructor (JIVI™) 

Juxtopia® Urban Robotics Application Network (JURBAN™)

Juxtopia® Epoch (JEPOCH™)

Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

Juxtopia® Urban Learning Technology Television (

Juxtopia® Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (JUICE)




Juxtopia® Imhotep™ (JI Band)

Juxtopia® Interactive Virtual Instructor (JIVI™)

Juxtopia® Urban Robotics Application Network (JURBAN™)

Juxtopia® Epoch (JEPOCH™)

Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

Juxtopia® Urban Learning Technology Television (™)

Juxtopia® Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (JUICE™)