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JURBAN Introduces Training Camp

Posted on 01 July 2009 by admin


Juxtopia Training Camp

The Juxtopia® Urban Robotic Brilliant Application Network (JURBAN) training camp (JTC) is a rigorous STEM training program inspired by a United States need to invest in STEM education and workforce opportunities for underrepresented students. The goal of the JTC is to provide a measurable performance improvement service for underrepresented high and middle school students. Students enrolled in JTC will collaborate with college students and professional engineers to develop real-world service robot prototypes while improving their science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) critical thinking skills.

The service robot on which students will focus is the lunar robot entered into the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition and scheduled for flight to the moon by 2012.

After completing the JTC, students will be equipped with the knowledge for scoring proficient to advanced levels on standardized state tests and high scores on college entry exams. Additionally, student will develop skills that will help them secure high paying technical jobs.

If you are interested in the JTC, please email Dr. Jayfus T. Doswell at

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