JAMR™ « The Juxtopia Group


Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

The JAMR™ program investigates how digital environments from Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Augmented Virtuality to “smart” real-world environments influence human learning. Multidisciplinary researchers who participate in this program investigate multi-modal methods of learning including digital vision, sound, smells, and tactile feedback for improving human learning and human cognition.



Juxtopia® Imhotep™ (JI Band)

Juxtopia® Interactive Virtual Instructor (JIVI™)

Juxtopia® Urban Robotics Application Network (JURBAN™)

Juxtopia® Epoch (JEPOCH™)

Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

Juxtopia® Urban Learning Technology Television (JULT.tv™)

Juxtopia® Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (JUICE™)