Abstract Guidelines « The Juxtopia Group

Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Format

Abstracts should be a summary of what will be presented on your poster and must not exceed 300 words (not including title, author(s) and affiliations).

  • Abstracts must be single spaced with a clear line between paragraphs.
  • Abstracts must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
  • Tables, graphs, images and references must not be included. These abstracts will not be published.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • Scientific symbols must be spelt out in full English; symbols must not be used within abstracts.

Layout Guidelines


The abstract title should be short, informative, and contain the major key words.



The abstract title should be followed by authors’ first name and last name. Below the authors name should list the author’s institution, followed by the country.

  • Example:

Jay Tucker, Lawrence Jones

Howard University, USA

Abstract Body

The abstract body follows the title and author sections. The abstract body should be formatted as 12-point Times New Roman, single-spaced, with a maximum of 300 words.

Authors may submit abstracts that communicates either a concept or prototype.  Please format the body of your type of abstract according to the following elements:

Prototype with Results Prototype or Concept without Results
  • Purpose or Aim
  • Brief STEM (robotic) innovation description
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion (potential  commercial applications)
  • Brief STEM (robotic) innovation description
  • Proposed Method
  • Anticipated Results
  • Conclusion (potential commercial applications)


  • Accepted abstracts will be invited to present corresponding technical posters to a captive audience of U.S. companies and Federal Government/Labs and provide networking opportunities among other engineering students.
  • The first author of the research abstract is considered the primary author.
  • One person may be the primary author on a maximum of two abstracts.
  • By submitting a research abstract as the primary author, you must agree that if your abstract is accepted, you will present the abstract or you will forfeit your right to be a primary author.



Juxtopia® Imhotep™ (JI Band)

Juxtopia® Interactive Virtual Instructor (JIVI™)

Juxtopia® Urban Robotics Application Network (JURBAN™)

Juxtopia® Epoch (JEPOCH™)

Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

Juxtopia® Urban Learning Technology Television (JULT.tv™)

Juxtopia® Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (JUICE™)