JIS™ « The Juxtopia Group


Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

The JIS™ program investigates the implications of “intelligent” learning and training spaces including smart homes, smart classrooms, smart work environments, and more. Researchers abandon the traditional mouse and keyboard interfaces for interacting with physical learning spaces, researchers investigate innovative approaches to developing interactive learning environments.



Juxtopia® Imhotep™ (JI Band)

Juxtopia® Interactive Virtual Instructor (JIVI™)

Juxtopia® Urban Robotics Application Network (JURBAN™)

Juxtopia® Epoch (JEPOCH™)

Juxtopia® Advanced Mixed Reality (JAMR™)

Juxtopia® Intelligent Spaces (JIS™)

Juxtopia® Urban Learning Technology Television (JULT.tv™)

Juxtopia® Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (JUICE™)